Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Point of View

Its so interesting to see others point of view, especially when they are wrong.

If they want to go hunt and kill animals, go ahead, be my guest.

If you want to keep a gun in your house for your supposed protection, fine.

But when you have a supposedly perfectly honest citizen buying 100-500 guns in one month, that's just not right. What in the world does someone need 500 guns for? They are going to sell them. None of the teens who have been found with guns got them legally. None of the young people using guns purchased them legally. This is a deliberate influx of guns into the urban area. Deliberate.

But oh no we only see that people want to take away our 2nd amendment rights. We don't see senseless killing by senseless people. The guns didn't do, the people did. Well that argument didn't work with the alcohol group, the cigarette group or the fast food industry. Each of those industries are being held accountable for the destruction that they cause. The gun industry has yet to be held accountable. Its got too good of protection from the NRA and the people of power. I will continue to say when you can shoot a man in the face and say I'm sorry, nothing happens to you, this country is not working with a full deck. I hope he at least sent him flowers while in the hospital.

What a day. I know they said it would be hot but I don't think we were prepares for the heat. Don't get me started on those bus drivers.

I am preparing for tomorrow. My first day. My principal asked me to wear a lab coat to look more professional. I plan on having it embroidered too. I'm excited,

Guess what my room number is. OK, I'll tell you. Room 304. What was my room at Jenner...304. What was my room at Mason, you guessed it, 304. What is that all about. If I played the lottery I would play that number. I know I wont be able to sleep. I am always so excited onthe first day. Well thanks for the field trip, it was a blast. How can you possibly think that there is anyone else for me. There is not one person I am interested in who can make me smile the way you do. There is no one who I want to hear speak more than you, so do me a favor and know that itis today and always you. Just you, no one else but you. Good Night. 

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