Friday, October 24, 2008

The Promises of God

The promises of God are Yes!

Sometimes I have trouble believing his promises include me, but they do. I agree with mentally, I know God is Able, I know he is a Savior but can I fully and completely trust him for my life? What do I do when my mind staggers on the promise? I continue to meditate on the Word. I reflect on the promises. I think about how God has been in my life before and continues to be in my life now. I recall the blessings of the Lord. I remember the abundance that is possible. I know he has saved me, blessed me and continues to bless me. Trust Him. When I think about all that God has done for me and others in my life I dont find it hard to believe again. I can be a living example of Love. Don't ever take that for granted. Rejoice in the Lord when others have things go right in their lives. Teach me to talk in love to be patient and tender. Let me meditate on that vision of God's Promise in my life. Let me have a picture in my mind's eye. Let me keep concrete visions so that some day actually becomes one day and this day. Today I focus on God's promise being reality in my life, it will happen. God keeps His promise. I believe that. I trust Him to want to keep his promise to me. I am important, special and loved. I am the apple of his eye. God loves me. Be blessed today and be a blessing of love to someone.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

No Burdens


2732195480051187552IBbrSp_fs.jpg picture by st_johnisland

God's love is such that we should want to do his commandments.  It should not be because we have to but because we want to.We should want to please God. God wants us to love one another and forgive one another. Without love there will be no joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength. God knows what it takes for us to love and forgive in this world. Without God its impossible to be successful. So where does doubt come in

Psalm 73 show us contradictions between what we believe and what we experience. We believe God loves us and protects us but then we see those who are prospering and healthy and God is the furthest from their minds. But Lord I know that you hold me and keep me. I know the fate of those that dont keep your word. I struggle with my own inability to stay on the straight and narrow. I dont pointthe finger and say look at them or look at me, I am not boastful or prideful. I struggle with the best of them.  My flesh is physical and my heart will one day stop but my joy is that I will be in heaven one day with you. I pray that I continue to seek God and pray Gods prayers, meditate on the Word of God and stay faithful to God.that is my desire and I pray that it is not a burden.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone. It has blessed me to know and love you.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Press into the Word

The Holy spirit is speaking a word in my heart. Draw into a more intimate relationship. It's important for my survival. If I dont, I wont make it. If I do then I will be closer to a God that will pour out his love and blessings abundantly. Dont go from disaster to diaster, press into the Word. The Word is God. Know that spending time with God is getting to kow him better. He already knows me. Let the Word dominate my thoughts and my feelings. Press In to a closer relationship. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Don't Hesitate

Praise the Lord this wonderful and glorious morning. Dont hesitate to do something that God told you to do. Being indecivise all the time creates an unstable and unreliable person. Uncertainty rules the way you think, feel and how you decide to make any decision. Receive the man of God in your life. Trust God to know that who ever He sends in your life, is a man of God.  Receive who God has sent to you.

Who am I to judge a servant of God? Receive the servant as if it were Jesus himself. Dont let criticism hold back the annointing of God. People are going to talk. Opposition from the outside is inevitable.

When the enemies come against you to tear you down, they start off small and in seeing that your faith is strong and your continued working towards a goal have not faltered, then they decide to bring out the heavy stuff. But GOD knows our heart and when we stand to rebuild the wall, to reestablish the love and communication, then God is with us. If God is with us then who can be against us. I love the fact that I have to remind my self to let someone else take care of me for a change. What does that feel like.? I dont know but I'm sure going to find out.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Change is Coming

Christian Comments

I ask God to help me be more open and flexible to the changes that he desires to bring about in my life. Teach me to be more flexible, harden not my heart. Show me the things that I needed to have been least rigid about.  Help me have a new perspective, new excitement for the future and the ability to calm my nerves when there is uncertainty.

When it is the "first of the first" of anything, there is always apprehension.As I meditate on the word I find solace. We don't know what the future holds but we do know a change is coming. If we are able to speak what is in our hearts and be truthful that change is necessary then we are able to embrace and welcome change. Speak the Truth. Let your heart be your guide. God will put the words in your mouth. I ask God to allow me to be flexible, loving and consistent. Allow me to bring about the desires that he has for me in my life. Let me do the desires of God's heart.

I pray for a safe journey for you. I am so happy to know that you are going to take some time off. I pray that you do rest and reflect. This has been a challenging two years since you were on vacation, a real vacation. A lot has hapened, your world is very different since you were there last. We need you to restore yourself and to love yourself. I need you to do that. I wish I was going with you, but who knows, one day that just might be the reality. With plenty of prayers, supplication, mercy and forgiveness, all things are possible. All things are possible for me, I believe that it can and will happen to me. I love you. Be blessed and be a huge blessing to someone else. 

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Love and Respect

I really enjoyed to talk to noght. There was some really good dialogue that came out of it. Dont tolerate me. Tolerance is where I still despise you but I wont spew hate in your face. Love me, get to know me, respect me as a human being. Love me, respect me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Don't Judge Me

 What am I doing to get rid of these stubborn problems that seem to be immune to everyday trials? I must go with the word. God's word in my life. My asking for what I want. My writing what's on my mind. I need you to know you are needed. I have to save this journal and send it to I guess that's where the new site is. I'm sorry for thinking I could do this differently. Let God be incontrol. Let God. Let Go. Take My Place. Do what needs to be done. Good night, be blessed and be a blessing.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Never Underestimate the Power Of Your Prayers

We are so desperately in need of God's guidance. If our children continue on the path that they have, at the end of this school year we could have over ninety children killed by gunfire. NINETY. That's just ridiculous. We have to do something, something better, something to make these children learn to talk to each other again. Most of us are overwhelmed by the problems and think that there is nothing we can do but pray. But prayers work. Action is also good. Faith without works is dead. Our prayers are powerful and we have to remember the power of prayer and the strength in believing in our prayers. We have to pray for those in authority, those who are dying and those doing the killings.

We cannot be a church that protest the killings and when the reality of a death occurs we cant turn our backs on the family and say no about the funeral in our church. Evidence of the horrible tragedy is around us every day. I don't want to be a church that just talks about the problem but doesn't really help the people involved. We must be doers of the Word.

I think that Jennifer Holiday and Jennifer Hudson say it best for me"...And I am telling you, I'm not going nowhere, your the best man I have ever known and I am staying, staying, staying, and you are going to love me..." On that note I will say goodnight.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh Well, Go Bears

At least we have the bragging rights to say we won one game.

Now to focus on another atheletic team to keep our minds off reality.

Put on Your Spiritual Armor

Its not a battle of flesh and blood but of the spirit.

We have to realize that blaming people and circumstances are not the way.

I have been consumed with what I see. It looks bleak but I have to remember that God is in the mix. God hears our prayers. God hears the prayers of his people. GOD IS.

So when I think I can come up with the solution, I have to ask, Is God in this or do I think I am in charge? Did I seek Him first, am I acting on His behalf? Did I ask God what to do? When I come against an obstacle do I ask God to fight the battle or do I take it on for myself? Am I pleased with the results? How's that been working for me lately? I know I love you, I love the Lord and I love me. I take my place with the faithful and I let God know that I love Him. I shall bless his name at all times.

Have a blessed afternoon and evening. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.


"Hope is a waking dream." This is the process by which you are experiencing such growth. To slowly realize that we are not pawns in the great game of life; but have power to command the very elements to create our experiences now that is a dream that gives great hope for our future."
- Aristotle

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Root of It All

I will not hear that you think you are not loved and wanted. You are wanted so much more than you can ever know. We have come to far to give up now. How long, how much more of this, when, why, where. What is the problem. How do we resolve it? How is it that we still care? Because we do. I will never stop caring.

Friday, October 3, 2008

This is Disturbing

I wanted to give you this information last night but I didn't see you. I guess you were watching the debate.

I pray that I will be renewed with new found knowledge. Knowing that everything is going to be alright. Staying faithful and resourceful. Keep the faith. Believe in God and know that all things are in his hands.

Anyway, this was something my daughter told me about when she returned form visiting her friend at the campus of NYU in New York. She had to go to New York to find this out. Anyway on if you go to that website and do a search for Jay Stones you will get a few different viedos. Pick the one that has Response to...trick trick.

On this video are boys who are on the southside in someone's backyard, during the daytime firing off a gun, showing the gun and just acting like fool. She also told me that Austin's daddy was in in the video and sure enough, he is sticking his head in the video. Now what is it that you can do about this? I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE,  Probably nothing, but it was something that I wanted you to know about because these boys are in that neighborhood. Knowledge is power and I didnt want to be indifferent to this knowledge. My daughter said some of them have been to the ARK and that they also helped out with the Divine Restoration Project. Maybe you even recognize some of them. I just think this is disturbing. I think I copied and pasted the link here, so try this first, but you can find it at the site also.


We are trying to rid the community of guns and reduce the violence and these boys, men really, they are all over 21, are out doing stupid stuff. To top it off they decided to put it on YOUTUBE!!! How disgusting. I believe that this father, this young man will either be behind bars or six feet under.  I think I want you to know. I dont want to say that I think its ok knowing and not telling someone else or trying to inform the community. Keeping Informed about whats going on out there.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Expectations : Flour

Let's throw some flour in the mix and make something happen.

I just found out that AOL Journals will be closing, disbanding, stopping on October 31.

There is suppose to be an alternative that they are looking at but no word yet.

That means I have to have another source for my communication.

I cant even make new entries now. 


Monday, September 29, 2008


Lord I walk with the courage and knowledge that I can and will demand a better world for us. We do not have to take for granted that our children will die by their own hands. We know that if we don't help there will be no one to help. We cannot ignore what's going on in our world today. We also have to be confident that we can succeed.

We don't have to accept that our financial future is in the toilet. There are no guarantees about any industry. Retirement accounts are decreasing. The money that we have put into these accounts is dwindling. Our homes are jeopardized. I think, OK, I'm with Chase so its going to be OK. But who knows. You don't want to spend your days worrying about what's going to happen, but you don't want to have your head in the sand and find out that there was something you could have done. So we listen to the "experts". We try to discern what the advisors are saying and apply it to our life situation. My neighbors are selling their home. They have been here since we moved here ten years ago. Were they part of this mortgage meltdown? I don't know. Whatever is going on we have to keep our confidence about this situation. We cannot worry and worry and worry.  We have to be confident that we can overcome this crisis.

I have my dad who fell on Saturday while we were getting ready for the service. What was that all about. Now I have to check that out with doctor appointments and stuff. The chimney is leaking at his building. The tenet wants to move. That might be a good thing. I wonder should I sell or is this a bad time to do that. Is it my decision to sell? Would he want to go to a retirement settlement or stay with me? Can I continue to be a responsible caregiver Is it wearing me down? Will he continue to get worse? Is it bad to put them in a nursing home?

With all of this going on I still have to ask my self, have I lost sight of the positive things in my life? Have I looked at the stresses in my life and not the good things? Am I blinded by the stress and circumstances? I saw a report last week about Chicago beingthe number one city for stress. Lord I know that I have the courage and knowledge to demand more. I want your promises. I want your blessings. I love the fact that God can and will make a way. We just have to accept the way that the Lord makes for us and know that the world doesn't decide for us what is best. God knows what's best for us. God loves us.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thank You

Thank You for taking the time to do my aunt's service. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern. Your showed caring and concern when you spoke about her. She was sick for a long time but she always wanted to hear your sermon. I was glad to know that she got a chance to be there on Sunday. Thank You for being there. I know it threw your schedule off but I thank you anyway. I know you went out of your way and I truly respect that and appreciate your efforts and trouble. The family is very grateful. I didn't know it was going to be all those acknowledgements. It is done now.

I have to get to church now. I'm excited about my future. With all the stress in my life I can still call on the Lord for guidance, hope and love. I need God today and I want to let him know that I need him today. I need him. I need you. Guide my path.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Thank God for new mercies every day. I Have been sick, under the weather, whatever you want to call it, I have not been feeling good for the last few days. I had no business coming today, Once you turn fifty everything begins to fall apart. I have to schedule a whole and complete physical now. Other stuff is going on. No matter, I believe it will all be just fine. I just couldn't miss this day since I have been absent from this journal since Tuesday. I have not been on the computer at all this week. I wanted to see you and interact, speak to, hug you.

You are so thoughtful to do all that you do for us. Having that speaker here today was truly a good thing. You have your finger on the pulse of this community. You listen to what people say and are aware of their needs. I'm very proud of you. You do so much for so many. Thank You for being you.

I take nothing for granted. I appreciate every moment, touch and encounter. I don't even assume that you are still reading this journal. I just hope and pray for something more each and every day. I don't take anything for granted and I never take you for granted. I am grateful for everything. Thank You Lord.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today I make amends with the fact that my daughter is leaving this Thursday. on her sister's birthday. We have been a close family and now she leaves with our prayers and thoughts with her. It will be alright, it will be alright. Good job, I guess, who knows what a good company is anymore. Good prospects for a promotion. Lord that is one thing that has been on my mind.

Had my first National Board meeting with my cohort yesterday. Three hours every Monday until May for sure and possibly June. What have I gotten myself into. This seems to be a huge amount of work. No wonder so many people don't do it.

Daddy's building has water coming in from the top and the bottom. I have to orchestrate the calling and setting up appointments to work on the building and viewing with insurance.  Cant travel their our normal route, roads are flooded. What to do, what to do. Do I try to go today or do I just go to bible study, stay in the city. Am I being neglectful of one, selfish of another because I desire to be with him tonight instead of worrying about that building. There's really little that I can do except look and even then I cant get on the roof. We need the expert up there.

Lord I am not complaining. I know we all have things that need to be done. Sometimes I feel less productive than I should. I know that you order our steps but sometimes .... with work also being a factor, I just feel overwhelmed. Most of the time I just do what I have to do and keep moving. If I sit and think about it then its  seems to be too much. But as I read Isaiah 45:12 and18 and 19-25. Our Lord created everything and wants us to inhabit this Earth. The  Lord did not say in vain Seek me, but seek me first and everything else will come second. Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that the Lord God Almighty Reigns. I put my trust in the Lord. Everything will work according to His perfect will.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Miss You

I miss you.

I wont let you just walk away.

I miss you.

I will not let my dream go. I will not let you go through this alone. We hae so much to get through..

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm Going to Be Alright!

Blessed be the Lord. I'm going to be alright. Don't you worry about me. I'm a winner in this situation for my life and health. Thank you Lord for keeping me on the right track. I believe that I have new mercies each and every day.

Unity Sunday I was rushing. Rushing to get to you. I made it and was able to participate in a powerful worship session. I tried to get a CD so I could savor it over the week in my car and it was sold out by the time I got there. I did get my ticket for November. Then I am blessed to see you are still out side. Mama T gets me before I can get you and just like that you are gone.

I don't want to be classified as some hurt woman who's afraid to love. I don't like that label. I bristle up when I think someone long ago did something that affects my love life now. I don't give him that power over me. I never knew love before. We never had love, we had something different. God says to love one another. This is the most important commandment. This is much different from what I had before. This is being truly open to someone else who is truly open to you and trusting them to love you, honor you and protect you just as you intention is to do the same for them. I am pressing forward to take hold of that which Christ has called me.

I know that I'm not crazy. I'm just making choices, for what ever reason, that are contrary to my heart's desire. Is it easier to not be with you that it is to be with you. I want you to be happy and to have the very best that God has to offer you. I want you to be at peace with your life. Restless about the more that God has for you. You have God's promise that you will succeed. I believe that I will be what God wants me to be. I know that God loves me and wants me to love myself even more. Believe in Him and I believe in you.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special.,


Sunday, September 7, 2008


Today I plant positive seeds in my life. I know that we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with powers and principalities.Its not my battle its the Lord's battle. If we pray and band together we can defeat any opposition. Through faith and prayer we can change the atmosphere. We can believe in the power of prayer. Wake Up, lets make this world a better place. We can do this together. We can make it work. Spiritual Armor for Spiritual Warfare. We can do this. We must do this.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Today I will rejoice in the Lord.

"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations" Psalm 89:1

Father God I unfold my past and put it in proper perspective. Those things that are behind I leave behind. I don't want my it to be my will, let it be God's will. I trust you Lord with all my heart and I lean not to my own understanding but to yours. I acknowledge that you Lord make my way straight. I cant do it without you. Whatever it takes I want to live in the new resurrection, the freshness of being alive and not dead, the renewing of my mind with Christ Jesus.

I don't know all that is to come or profess to say I understand everything that has happened in my past but I don know I am willing to work daily toward the day when I will finally be all that the Lord wants me to be. I want to devote all my energies to being in that race where I am pressing toward the end and I receive the The Lord, Our Father is calling me up to be. Because Christ Jesus died for me I will have the chance to reach that goal.

I am blessed today and everyday. I pray that in letting go of the past I am able to walk wholeheartedly in to my future with a renewed authority, power, privilege and right. I am a child of The Most High God.

Be extremely blessed today and be a blessing to some one.

I welcome all responses. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Today was a good day. Every day that I am here is a good day. I'm not ranting and raving about anything today. Today is a good day, Tomorrow I'm going to get up early and write in my journal.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I believe God loves me but I wonder what he was thinking about me and the lesson  that I have to learn.  I am only human.  

I am arrogant(I just don't like a lot of people bothering me, I have so much on my plate, it just seems overwhelming sometimes, I just want to be left alone to recuperate but that never seems to happen, especially now that I have a little one in the house, his momma, my momma and poppa, my brother, and my other daughter (who's now leaving to go to Seattle), have low self-esteem (not too low though, I am high maintenance to a certain degree), bitter(about what???), angry(with who????), hate men(I really don't think I hate men, I believe I love them, a lot, I just haven't trusted my heart to them, but I am willing) , unwilling to let people get close(true, true, but for very good reasons, trust issues again, who doesn't learn from their mistakes), stubborn(I'm fifty years old, I have a right to be stubborn ) and disobedient (well I try to follow God's will) so I wonder , why bother with me, I know you are frustrated and tired, I heard it in your voice.

 Do yourself a favor and just give up, no one will think less of you, move on, take on a new hobby, get another pet, go on a beautiful wonderful vacation, but what ever you do don't wait on this messed up girl. I am at a loss.

I don't know what to say or do to make this better. I don't know how to fix it. We seem to go through the motions. Now we are just oblivious to one another. My heart jumps when you are near. Nothing has changed. We are farther apart than ever.

 What do we build on now? I suppose we can go back to the basics. The journal was a first, it seem to strengthen and define. Then tear down and divide.  We need to build up and no matter what find some peace. On the one had we say we want this we believe in this and we gotta have this, we need each other to make sense of the whole thing.

On the other hand its no talking, no communicating, no contact and we have nothing to show for our efforts but a desire. I dont want to leave an encounter with you where we are not talking and interacting. I want to acknowledge great respect and honor and love. I want a difference. I want to see more than what we have right now. I believe in trying again. But the try is just in words lately.

The time is running out. We have no promises on our future. Time is running out.

 What is in the past is in the past. there comes a moment when you decide that this is it and I am going to give it my all. No holdback, no assumptions, just give it what you have. Another encounter where we are not any closer than we were before the encounter. How does that happen? We are more focused on just going with the routine, not changing anything and keeping everything just the same. Dont mess with the status quo. From my heart, I want the change, I want the declaration, I want the challenge to love and be loved. From my mind, I keep believing that every encounter holds potential to be the new beginning.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thank You Lord for Today

Thank you for another glorious and beautiful day. Whatever may come to day I welcome it. I welcome all who are part of my day., I pray for peace and understanding. No matter what happens, I thank God that I have another day to enjoy. My cup runneth over. I know that goodness and mercy follow me where ever I go today.  I welcome them in. Have a blessed and wonderful day today.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hello Darling

I just feel like throwing caution to the wind and trying all over again. New day, new beginnings. Watching the DNC and the US Open. Grading science journals too. I have been listening to you in the car on my ride in and back.

God has blessed us with cool weather. The class is not too bad. We have detentions on Tuesday now and we had a prety full group today.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

It's Not Over

This Day I know that its not over. No matter how it may look.

My dream is not dried up. I'm still cooking. I'm still waiting. My time is not God's time. Hang on in there. Keep the faith. There will be a change.

None of us are ever quite finished or ready the way we really would like to be.Where do we draw the line and say enough? How do we get on God's calendar for us? We keep the Faith and know that God will never leave us nor forsake us.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Hello Lord. I can understand why you require a day of rest. A day to keep our mind and thoughts only on you. Going to our house of worship to become renewed and rejuvenated to face this next week. I suppose if we allowed it to happen it would be work, work, work,24/7. I leave my job on Friday exhausted, repair the physical things on Saturday, and prepare the mental things on Sunday so that when Monday rolls around I have the basics that I need to not only survive another week but to be gloriously successful. Believing in a miracle everyday and rejoicing that I am able to conquer the slings and arrows that will not and do not succeed in taking me out this day. This day I am equip with the Word Of God. This day I am prepared with Faith. This day I am an overcomer. Let me prepare for my day in the house of worship.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Be Still My Heart

Praise God that today is almost over. I have spent this week in sheer and utter heat. The air conditioners are gone and we are sback in our little ovens on the third floor. I was just so nauseated and dizzy, because of the heat. We have to remember to dress appropriately for the weather.

Sometimes we travel the same road and sometimes we are on a different journey all together. We travel together so we can stay together. We stay close to each other, both inwardly and outwardly. We try to walk in love and walk as children of the Light. Bringing down the barriers.: Bring down the barriers and let us see one another and let us respect one another. Let us know that we are blessed to know each other and that we belong here, right now, today. God has blessed us and we have to thank Him for that blessing each and every day. I belong to the household of God and I know that I am blessed. I am blessed and highly favored.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Good Night

A new creation.

I love myself. I thank you God for allowing me to submit and adapt to your needs.

Thank You Father that I grow stronger each and every day. My love is founded on your word. I give you all the praise and glory each and every day.

Our love never fails.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Morning

Thank You God for the mundane. The ability to get up even when its difficult. Thank you for another day. I know that you cannot really know me unless I choose to share myself-give of myself-become a living sacrifice-Lord I give you my thoughts, my ideas, and my feelings. I lay down any and everything that inhibits a smooth flow of the Spirit in my life. I am always saying for give me, remember me, don't pass me by. I never stop wanting to be blessed. I know my blessing is good and filled with the mercy, kindness and love that I need.  Forgive me for being intolerant. Forgive me for being judgmental. Lord I call for an end to this division and to unite us. I pray for peace. Peace. I pray for love.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Grace and Mercy


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Good Morning Today. Can I still miss you? Is it OK to want more?

I want a copy of that back to school CD. Please leave a copy with Mack so I can pick it up on Friday. Thank You.

Be blessed today and be a true blessing.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


When I sit back and think of all you have brought me through, I am amazed that I am still here. Just thinking about my life and the blessings that I have received I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Some of the little things that brought joy to my life. Some of the big things that seemed to be a disaster but then were blessngs in disguise. I wonder whats in store for me. If I keep doing the same thing I will keep getting the same results? What do we do when we fail? we keep getting up. We try again. We continue to believe that it is possible. It will happen. Will it really. What if it doesnt. Believe that it will.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Good Morning

Thank you Lord for another day. Your will be done in my life today. Thank you for your mercy today. You woke me up this morning and you have given me an opportunity to be the loving servant for your mission. Thank you for your blessings. I take nothing for granted. I want to be loved and to love. I believe in the God of second chances. God Bless you today and be a blessing to someone.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I thank God

I thank God that we were not hurt during the terrible storm last night.The winds were bad but we didnt have any damage to the house but you knew something was up because it sounded like something I had never heard before.

I thank God for everything that I have been blessed with. I have a grateful heart. Just how can I repay God for his goodness? I lift him up and magnify his name. I give all the glory to God.

Day Two of the saga at school. Things are going well. So far so good. We dont have nearly as many students as we did last year. The people are saying they arent coming back but I have heard that we may have a surge in September. I had one boy tell me he spent his summers at the ARK. I was so proud to know he was making a positive choice. I gave him a present. Praise God.

Three more days of class and then back to normal.

Why tell kids not to go to school? That just seems so stupid.

Good night and be blessed.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hope for the Future

Here we go again. I have had another restless night. First day jitters. The anticipation and the the knowledge that I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I'm nervous and excited. I am overwhelmed with so much going on this week. I continue to hope and stay hopeful. Those who lose hope,lose faith and perish. God's faithful love is the basis for my faithful trust. I am pulled in so many directions and I feel depleted. Everyday is early mornings and late evenings. Once this week is over then the dust should settle and I will or at lest hope to be able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. What do I say? I trust in the Lord.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Its important to be dependable. to have someone know they can rely on you. To trust you and you trust them. Be honest with yourself. Turn your fears over to God and let him comfort you.

Consider it pure joy when you face trials. According to James 1 testing of our faith will develop persevere. Maturity helps to develop us. "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial"

Blessed is the man.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Saving and Healing


Today was my first day back in the system.

I had PD in the morning then a math classin the afternoon from 1-4.

We took a test that was the craziest thing. Praise God I dont have to teach that, but it gives me an idea of what my students go through when they get a test and they dont know as much as they think. I remembered some of it but it was a long time ago. I guess I'll learn how to do algebra again. Lord knows I think I forgot it for a reason, I dont use it and probably wont us it. Havent had to us it this long and I dont see a big rush for it later on in my life. Ten days of this stuff and I am already counting down.

I watered the grass today and feed it lawn food.  I spent an hour out there this evening. I was trying to soak the grass so that it wouldnt become too dry. Somebody had to do it.

I plan to attend all of the activities this week.Praise God for worship. Early morning, at night, whenever we can, let us worship. I'm tirednow, my first day and I am regretting the heck out of my vaction is over and I didnt travel like I wanted. Oh well.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hi. I am sorry I couldnt go down stairs. My little charge was very cranky and tired so I just took him to the car and headed home. I could only take so much.

Wonderful sermon today. I was blessed. I felt overwhelmed, challenged in many ways. I dont like to complain, I just keep on going.I have to let God fight my battles.

I'll have to listen to the sermon again. I am a victor and not a victim. The devil will not steal my blessing. This may be taking a long time but I I sure that favor and blessings are coming my way. I just keep praising and praising. I am not too busy for God. I will not lose my praise. Daily and continually I will praise him. Thank you Jesus. I dont forget, you are never too far from my heart and mind. Daily I praise God's goodness in my life. Be blessed and be a wonderful blessing to someone.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Busy Day

We keep moving closer and closer. Who would have thought it would be this difficult. What did you do today, participate in a panel discussion?

You have a busy day tomorrow. I pray for a huge turnout.

I'm staying committed, make this happen.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Personal Prayer

...I commit myself to you...



Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Lord I have been trying to enter an entry for the past hour.

The first one refused to save.

Sometimes when that happens I think that maybe I wasnt suppose to say that.

Lord knows I wonder what to say and struggle to say appropriate and thoughtful things. If I cant touch your heart and mind then I need not say anything at all.Maybe I am taking too long so I will just say good night and God Bless you. Be a blessing to someone.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Thank You

Thank You Lord for everything.

I have so much to be thankful for.

Thank You for all that I am.

Thank you for today.

I feel rushed somewhat because this is my last week of vacation.

I have this to do list and I am trying to get things done as soon as possible.

How are you doing? What are you thinking about? This has been quite a summer for you so far. 2008 will definitely be a year to remember. Good and bad.

I have watched the Rikers Island High School. The Bloods and Crips Gang. Freedom Writers. Douglass High. anything that relates to high school children, young people in the big cities and how they are coping or not coping. One young boy said "its like the devil is just sitting on your shoulder every day" its so oppressive for them. They smoke all day, drink most of the day and just shoot for the heck of it. It gives them power.

The big thing now is that the older generation, us, we dont understand. Hasnt it been like that all the time. Every generation says that. There's the divide of the tweens and teens, the twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and on and on. The gap continues to widen.

Overcoming weariness is a big thing. Be blessed tonight and try to be a blessing,.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

New Day

I am so glad that I have not given up. I will not give up.

I don't say what I expect to happen. I love what ever happens now.

I am open to new and great.

I loved today. I was eager to see you and to hug you.

I'm excited about being around you.

I know that it cannot do anything be get better. I am expecting better.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bless the Lord

Praise the Lord. Put His Word continually on my lips.

Praise the Lord and Faith will rise up inside of me.

I speak of me and my spirit.

Great things happen when I continually praise the Lord.  I honor my God, my Lord.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Be Strong and Courageous

I am so sorry about all the wrong things that I have said or not said.

All the things that I have done or not done.

You are so use to people leaving, you expect it most of the time. I don't blame you, I usually expect the worst. But that is not true anymore. Don't believe in the negative stuff that may have happened before. Believe that something good is going to happen. Constantly reach for the highest expectations in every situation to happen to me each and every day. Believe in myself and believe in others. Don't believe that I will leave you because I wont. I'm like the devoted puppy unfortunately. As long as you show me attention, I'm there. So I will go through the line, I'll wait, I'll hug and I'll kiss because that's about all I have to look forward to right now. I have to make physical contact, I have to talk to you. No pressure. Just do it. Life is good.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Coming Together

How can you give up without even having a kiss? A real kiss. How can you know without a kiss.

How is it that disobedience is related to a hardening of the heart.

Obey God. Obey God. Do what God says to do.

Why wont I just let this go? I cant just keep wasting time. What makes this so different?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Wonder

I just think it is  horrible what happened to that little girl.

I just cant believe she left the house with out someone prompting her. I believe it was another child. That girl was not a regular in that neighborhood and some children are very jealous. I believe a child enticed her out and maybe wanted revenge or something on this little girl. I think it was another child. She would not leave the house if she didnt know the person. Someone from the neighborhood. Somebody knows something and that somebody is a young person.

Now you have to get people to talk. Snitching. The code of the street is not to snitch. This is the hardest thing to break. That's why so many crimes go unsolved.


This is like a magnet

This is like a magnet now. Its like two polar opposites that attract..

Go away, go away, go away. come here, come here, come here.

Whats going on here. Just cant let it go.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thank You Lord

Working for good.

Standing up for what's right.

Making peace with myself and the world.

Knowing my strengths and weaknesses.

Monday, July 14, 2008

See Yourself Strong

I just listened to yesterday's sermon and I made wonderful comments about it as I took notes on the sermon. None of that is here now. The sermon was inspirational, it was good.

I pushed the save button and vamos, it was gone. Just like that.

Words that can not be replaced in the same format and thoughts that are not the same.

I could listen again but not now.

Speak the words and have the faith to back them up.

Be radical enough to expect and demand something to happen. Dont just expect it to happen to you , make it happen.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. See yourself strong.

God will do what he said he will do. I believe in the promises that God has given me and I believe that he is able and willing. I'm not settling for junk in my life. Fakes and replacements will not do. I want the real thing.

Good Night and God  Bless.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


What a relief it must be for you to free yourself of that dreadful future. Who wants a horrible life of nagging about you not being at home or not having enough money. You are so blessed to be able to sell that story to your doting women. I pray that the meals don't stop because of that. You have the best of being married. You have your meals cooked for you, your clothes taken care of (if you want, I would imagine) I think its great. You don't have to deal with pouty attitudes. You have the freedom to do what ever you want, when ever you want. What a life, and who wouldn't want it. You tried very hard to reassure everyone that you were OK. You did a good job. I am thoroughly convinced that you are content and you desire to be left alone. Totally and completely. You desire no female companionship. God hasn't guided you along that course and you have no inclination to go down the marriage road. Interesting that your new found sense of freedom comes now. You have many years ahead of you and many more goals to achieve. I find it interesting that you are content. Satisfied. At Peace. I guess you won't be references to me and my journal anymore because you are not thinking about me. I prayed to God to allow me to have that same detachment. I hope it comes soon.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. 

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Showing Respect

I'm sure your father would have been very proud and thankful that you kept it sincere and simple. Thank God for for that.

I pray that you are safe. I know you have a lot to do this week and your responsibilitites are still not over.

God loves you and so do I. I am thankful that you have some family with you, find comfort and solace with them.

I feel your heart is heavy. I dont know what to say but know that I pray for you every night and day. I think about you and pray for comfort in your life.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Love Never Fails

1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.

 4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

 8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

 13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I think its so important for you to think about keeping your trip. God knows you need to bond with men who are like you and of the same mind. Able to challenge each other and keep the brain sharp. You are truly in need of some rest and rejuvenation, now more than ever. God loves you and I believe every aspect of your life is occurring for a reason. I'm sure you have all the plans ready for this day. You have know it would happen sooner than later. I dont want to be one of the ones to offer empty words that offer no comfort. Do what is best for yourself. Your father loves you and knows the struggles you have had and I'm sure he is watching over you.

I love the fact that you have reached out through your music and words. I pray the armourbearers keep you safe and comfortable. The heaviness around you is apparent. I have not had a parent leave me so I can't begin to understand your pain., But I do know sorrow for a lost loved one. All of my grandparents are gone now and I loved them so much. I spent more time with them than my parents. I spent most of the 90's caring for my father's father, while losing my other set of grandparents during that time also. Losses can be devastating. We do things we didn't think we would ever do. Making simple plans seem almost impossible. The hurt is almost unbearable. I wondered if it would ever stop. Time does heal all wounds. God is there with us through it all. I believe he cries too.  Its necessary.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Let me be at peace with the concerns of today. Internallyand externally.

I am off to swimming with my father. Then more babysitting. I want to get my nails done today too. I have until the 30th of this month and then we go back. Professional Development almost every day until then. They schedule these things thinking we are all off for the month of August and we aren't. I have to prepare an eight week plan for science and reading. Go in early and prepare my lab as well as my homeroom. I also have to prepare my portfolio for the National Boards. July is a busy month.

I don't assume my things of importance are your things of importance but since this is my journal I can only speak of things that I know about, my things. I wonder if I give up trying and just let God do it, will it change anything.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


When someone hurts us, our natural reaction is to strike back. To just pray to God to strike them down with a vengeance. When I think about the time someone did me wrong and I wanted to fight back, I knew my spiritual eyes needed to be more attuned to the situation at hand. When things seem to come up after you thought they were laid to rest its just not right. Where is this old junk stuff coming from? I have some happiness come today and then some sadness. What am I suppose to do, just do what they say, give up, I don't think so. I feel like I was kicked in the gut. Knocked down and dragged through the mud. Everything is a struggle.  One step forward and two steps back. Sometimes I just don't know what to say so I just don't say anything at all. Where is my heart? What does it feel right now?  Knowing something is coming and knowing something is here is two different things.

I'm watching "A Raisin in the Sun" right now. What happens when a dream is deferred?  Today I got a large sum of money. We received our deferred pay since we are starting back early in August. I have less than a month before school starts back. This time next month I will be back in school. I am already counting down the days until our next break at the end of September. Tomorrow we will go to the ribfest and enjoy ourselves. What is the problem? I have to think about thiws attack on me right now. Something that's coming from the past that's not even my original problem. Am I the sole responsible person here? Do I have to pay for everything? Is this my responsibility to pay? I truly dont think so. Lord help me find the answer.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What a Blessing

What a day. I was ready to help paint the first floor of school. I found out that we were really going to paint the third floor, my floor. My room was painted and I found out I will have a lab after all. What a blessing. I was prepared to really give of my self for another group and low and behold I was rewarded. Thank You Lord.

My lab is in the process of having the asbestos removed (yeah) unfortunately the children have been using that room, at least for the year I was there, for their Spanish classes (boo). Do we wonder about any long term effects for the teacher or the students. I guess not.

I see myself strong in this situation. I can be bold and courageous in my endeavors. We use words to call those things that be not as though they were. Words are meant to encourage, and reinforce our belief in our self and others. We believe in ourselves and others. I speak from my spirit instead of my mind. My mouth, my tongue, and my heart must fall in line. I believe in you and me. I have the faith to back that up.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Don't Accept Defeat

Stand up on God's Word and fight for your life. Don't just sit there and give in.

Get mad at Satan and let him know that you are mad. Do not give up or give in. Don't just sit there make something happen.

We can't even say what the problem is. What is the reason for the discourse. It is many things and it is nothing. But none the less it is there. Fight for the relationship. Fight for your health and happiness. Fight for your life. Fight for our children. Fight for a better life. Fight for peace on earth. Fight for what you believe in.

I will be volunteering to paint tomorrow from 12-5 at my school so I don't think I will be at the word in the park. I'm sorry I have to miss it. I know it will be a powerful word for the youth.

Take Care of yourself. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thank You God

Thank You god for waking me up this morning. I take nothing for granted. I am blessed to be here today. Nothing is by chance. I have faith that God is working it out in my life.

Thank You Lord for today. My life is in your hands. I thirst for you. I'm excited about being with you. Thank You Lord for blessing me. Thank You for another day. Thank You for everything I have in my life that glorifies your awesomeness. I love you for wanting to save me.

God's intimacy puts us at ease. His discerning mind and spirit allow us to love and be loved no matter what, We are all broken vessels and need to be loved.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Becoming Sensitive Again

  Ephesians 4:31-32 (The Message)

 31-32Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you.


What can we do to make this better?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Prayer and Worship

The prayer and worship session was so necessary, I think it was right on time. We need one of those every week this summer. With all the stuff that has been going on, we need to pray and give thanks to God. Believe in the power of prayer. I was very proud of you. Its like you should have a big SJA on your chest. Social Justice Angel. Without you and your passion, where would we be. We are blessed..

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good Morning America

Good Morning America. I think you took a stand against strife. Oftentimes we purposely let minor irritations upset us. Others and ourselves will blow the smallest thing out of proportion. Its time to take a stand against strife. You stood your ground but didn't do it arrogantly. You explained the overarching message which was one of entitlement. I think a lot of people are upset that you recognized the fact, as many others did, but you went a step further and defined, identified and dramatized that point. I'm glad that a collage of your activist programs and your inspiration for this cause and many others were also included to shape you as a well rounded, passionate, sincere human being. 

I pray that we can take a big stand against all of the little opportunities that will arise to create strife. Those minor irritations will become the small crack in a dam and them suddenly the water comes crashing over everything.  Chose to overcome the small irritations. By the power of God I will not let those small irritations over take my peace. Peace is what I seek. Peace is important for my well being. Peace is important for my health and to also create healthy relationships. It places me in a place where I allow God to guide my steps. Peace.  With the help of the Holy Spirit I can use the weapon of the Word of God to help me overcome worry and doubt one moment at a time. Every time those things come up I have the Word to battle that strife. The more I rebuke it the more I am walking in the Peace of God for that day, that moment, that instant. One day at a time, one step at a time to dispel worry and doubt.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Good Job

I stay hopeful that the world will have peace.

I hope for an end to the violence that young people continue to inflict on each other. I hear so many talking about their fights and murders as a badge of honor. I took my grandson to the park today and there were teenagers talking abou the fights that they had in school or that they witnessed or heard about. I heard a teacher tell of a student who is in summer school now. He has the standard bracelet from the law on his ankle. When she asks for his name he says, Dont you know me, I killed so-and so. Its the cool thing to do, get into a fight. To shoot somebody. These are our children who are not involved in any social skills programs so they spend their time talking about negative stuff. Why aren't they at the pool or at some sort of camp. I know there are many different things they can become occupied with over this summer.

How is it that someone can belittle your achievements with just a very snide remark, made totally without intent to hurt. When you recognize a true problem with yourself and your community, you decide that by joining a challenge, you can help yourself and your community. You compete with other churches, even megachurches to lose weight and improve your health. Obesity is a huge problem in the African American community so any chance to address the problem and highlight the possibilities of improving your health, maybe changing or reducing your medication is always a plus. We know that weight loss is a hard thing and that the faith community is sorely in need of a change. When we look at the community there are huge numbers of people overweight and its not just the women. Its nice to hear from your leader, "Well done, good job" We all hope to be examples for others who many find the thought of losing weight too challenging. Its not a matter of glamour. Most of these women are not looking to get into bikinis or modeling. Most are just trying to get healthier, increase their energy level. Maybe walk up and down stairs without being winded. Reduce their blood pressure, lower their dose of insulin. Most of the women who participated were older and more mature. While I was not there every week I did attend some of the meetings and I grew to appreciate the determination and dedication of the women. Our goal was to do something for our church. We were able to stay devotedand determined and come out the winner of the church challenge. We won for the church $5500.00. That's a nice tidy sum of money. We didnt say how to use it and still don't really care. We didn't say use it for the women's bathroom. I wouldn't have minded if you used it to pay the air conditioning bill because we really could have used it on Sunday. Redoing the bathroom is necessary to calm the women. Women who are loving and devoted to you. Women who will do anything for you. I don't complain, I just wonder what we did to deserve the callous and half hearted mention of the endeavor. I'm sure there is going to be something from Weight Watchers, but we really wanted some acknowledgement from you.  Well Done good and faithful son/daughter. We are not known by our deeds but by our heart. We all try to do our best at whatevr it is we can do. Everyone can'd do everything but some people can do some things.

This was just my thoughts on this, you can take it with a grain of salt.

Be blessed and be a blessing.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

What an electrifying event it was today. The church was packed and the support and outpour was for you. We love you and it shows.

This was your day and the people turned out in droves. The support was great.

We are driven to prayer when the times of our lives challenge us to put our faith to the test. Love always wins.

We told you "Welcome Back Father Mike" while we were walking down the stairs. The line was so packed I knew the baby would not wait patiently. I consider it the price that I pay. I know what is important and the people/church love and need you. God is good and I am thankful for so many blessings that I have received. I think  know now my role and how I really fit in all of this.  am where I am suppose to be.

I am watching the Soweto Gospel Choir on PBS. Its very nice.

Well I am officially on vacation now, at least for this week. I keep myself busy so that I don't have a lot of time to think about my relationship. It makes me sad.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing. Welcome Back.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Its often amazing to think that God is working in our lives everyday. His plans are always in motion. We just have to learn the lesson. We stay life long learners. Never stop learning. Never stop being willing to learn something new.  Stay open to everything. Stay grounded in God.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Anger Management

I have had a not so good afternoon.

While driving home today two trucks almost smashed me together. I honked my horn, gave him the finger and said some really bad stuff to him. I meant it too. After I said it I saw my stained glass cross just swinging away on the rear view mirror. I apologized to God and then felt bad about the example I had just set. How can I say I love him in heaven when I don't love his image here on earth. I'm sure those truckers don't really know God though.

Then I had a heated discussion with my mother, which of course its always about the bills and how she feels I should be paying for everything.

I have such a headache right now. I got my allergy shots and they always give me a headache. I have to baby sit tonight but the babysitter wasn't at her house when I wanted to pick him up so I have to go back later. Then there is the fact that I have to get up at 5 am and then return tomorrow morning for the last day of PD. I am so through with today. So through with today. I still have to keep it together because I have to go pick him up still. Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's Good To Hear You

It was good to see you and hear you. It was good to be seen by you.

I have training all this week. I wont be there tomorrow. I'm sure that's no surprise but I always like to think that I will be there one day.

How was your day today? Last night was really good. He had some wonderful examples of how they manage conflict. That is such a big problem in school. Just the littlest thing and they want to fight. Most of them learn this from home. When we talk about how they resolve conflict, we ask what is told in the home, what did mom or dad say to do and for most they are told "to beat them till they bleed". "Knock em out". "Don't leave nobody standing". They are constantly told not to be a punk, pushover or chump. We tell them its ok to not fight. We don't have to fight all the time. Lets not fight about anything,

Its just terrible about all the flooding. I'm watching the news and I know this is not the end of it. Homes, lives, futures are in jeopardy. I have to pray for them. Pray that the sandbags will hold.

Well two more days and then my vacation will begin.

God bless you tonight. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone tonight.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Beginning of Something New

The beginning of something new. You have had a time to reflect, fast and do some introspective work on yourself. After all of that, you get to come back and prepare for the next steps. Discipleship cost, are you ready? This is the beginning of a new era for you. You don't get to look back, you move forward.

You get to build, build, build. Your legacy will include your ability to fight and to negotiate and to make the right choice for all concerned. You protected your faith community when you needed to be the shepard.You came out of this stronger and wiser I'm sure of that.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone. I bet you will sleep well tonight. You'll be in your own bed. You get to roam around your own things again.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


How's you day going?

Happy Father's Day.

I pray that all is well with you.

I know you are looking forward to tomorrow. The Shepard comes back to the sheep.

This has been a long two weeks, but none the less you have made it through.

I knew you were close but I didn't know you were that close.

What a night it was on Friday.

I pray that as the summer heats up more children will come. The fact that they had only gotten out that day, I don't think they were ready to find any activities to occupy their time just yet. Wait till next week.

My computer has been acting up lately. I just have to remember that I am not the only one on my computer.The girls are on it because its so convient.

I am so glad that school is out. This week I have PD every day. My real break doesn't begin until next week. At least Friday is a half day.

My summer is so short. I wonder what the kids will do since they are coming back so early. Where will they get their supplies and stuff? August 5th is just six weeks away.

What about us? Another summer is here. Will we see improved communications. I pray that we do. Will we have Jazz in the Park? Will we go to the lakefront? Life is so short.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Men of The Breaking Heart Club

With Father's Day coming there must be men out there who are saddened by the fact that they are not the best that they can be. Others who are mourning the fact that dad is not here and those who are with their dad and find each day a treasure.

Men who have been in the presence of God and lived to tell about it. The natural pursuit of God.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


In the beginning was the word

 and the word was with God

 and the word was God.

John is teaching us that God is talking to us all the time. Communicating thoughts through words. Words, words, words. What words do we say when we speak. Do we really let our thoughts come out in words. Do we really want them to come out when we speak? I think we do. We want others to know we can articulate our thoughts and that we are able to communicate our true feelings.

Good Morning

Good Morning

I would just like to take time to let you know I care.


I look forward to Friday. I pray that God will guide me during this break. There are so many options for professional development and we must not forget the national board certification. I'm ready for a vacation about now. Just to get my head focused and gain some clarity. Right now its just go, go, go.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special.

Monday, June 9, 2008

How have you been successful today?

What does success mean to you? Have you placed that success on material things? Do people encourage or discourage your success?When you step back and look at your life do you find that you are pleased with your choices? What would you change and what would you keep the same? What is really important to you? What makes you feel important?That's more than enough for us to ponder. Have a good night and be blessed.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

You Should Be Proud

Your cabinet has done very well under your tutelage. They have presented themselves as professionals and I believe they handled themselves very well with the top boss. I pray that there is sincerity in wanting to improve relations with the faith community.

I feel the hate mail should be brought to the forefront. Pasted on the doors and boards. Displayed to the public. This is what happened with the civil rights movement. Until the ugliness of the fire hoses and dogs, the beatings on the Pettis Bridge, the horrible shouts at the Little Rock Nine, until these things were exposed and the world was able to see the ugliness of their racism, and the effects of their indifference, no one believes its really that bad. Right now you are in a sort of seclusion. Somewhat isolated from harm. I pray that you are not experiencing any difficulty, at least no more than can be expected. This is a learning experience for you and I pray that business as usual is not what comes out of this. We have so much to offer, yet we seem to ride the fence. We don't want to really be united. We want things our way or the highway. When do we compromise or even concede that God is in control and that we must allow Him to do his work. God bless you tonight and may you continue to communicate your needs and your desires.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I just want to talk to you right now. Just talk. Just bond together. We should meet. We should talk.

Friday, June 6, 2008

How do we use money

What do we do with the money that we do have:? Not our tithes but the money that we have after the tithes? Are we responsible with our own money?

Today was so warm. I bought the children freeze pops. We dont have air conditioning and the fact that we are on the third floor just adds to our distress. I think the heat must be on, its too hot to just be from the air. We are counting down the days.

What will you do for love? What is the craziest thing that you have done? What is so important to you.

I wonder how the meeting with the cardinal went? Were they able to secure a return for you? Will this be what you need and want right now? I pray that it is what you want.

I pray that you have what you want. This is the first time you have had a  very public reprimand. You have handled this very well. You are not verbaly difiant or disrespectful. You are willing to keep the peace. I admire that in you.You are an amazing man.

Can we get onthe path of something more loving?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where is your treasure

For where your treasure is there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. - Matthew 6:21-22

What is it that we see that we want?  What are we coveting here on earth that we will not have in heaven? Where is our heart's desire?

What are you doing with your time? Its like the time when you test your students. You have to watch your faith community walk on its own two feet. We know that all is well and good but can we handle the forced independence? Will we falter or will we stand tall? Will we make you proud? How do you prepare a community that really loves and depends on you to fly on its own? Do they make you proud or do you see the flaws?

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to yourself.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I have to confess that I have had mixed emotions.

I see so much in your future. I know that you feel so vulnerable now. Probably just raw like someone has taken a steel rake and just gone over your whole body. But I see a new you emerging from this. I think about the possibilities.

 The opportunities for you and me. Turning lemons into lemonade.  Is that wrong of me? I'm not going to stress on that. I am thinking of the situations that make me happy and what I want in my life and if I can grow with that thought then I will. If I want to change my circumstances then I have to change my thinking.

If I expect a change and then one happens, I have to look at it as something good. I look at this as something good. I expect good things to happen and my expectations are powerful. I expect the things I want and I don't expect the things I don't want.

Create the new pictures for your life. What is it that you see for yourself. What do you really want? Are you willing to take a chance on your future? you have so much living ahead of you. I am just so grateful for everything in my life. Thank You God for everything in my life and for my future.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Godly Sorrow



We encourage you to find yourself during this time. Do not dwell on the negative. You are not going to grow in wisdom and truth if you are blaming yourself for a stupid mistake. Ignorant and self absorbed people want to see you punished. The cardinal did the next best thing, he gave you a leave of absence. I believe it to be only two weeks but this is only my belief. You have come to a junction, a crossroads in your life where you are assessing every single moment, everything that you have ever been through to get you to this very point in life. You get to create your destiny. How much more do you need to do? How much more do you need to get?  No one else can sing your song or write your story as well as you. I believe that you are great and that great things are and will continue to happen to you. Regardless of how old you think you are, you have an opportunity to look forward. When one door closes another one opens. There is a power in you greater than the all the negativity of the world. Sometimes its very hard to pull that energy up, but you must. You must love yourself right now and value the reflective time that you will have. What will come of this I do not know but I do know that you have to remember that the birds sing for you, the flowers bloom for you, the sun rises for you. Look around you and notice something you didn't see before. Take your power back. Know the truth of who you really are. Let your love shine through. I love you and I am praying for you. I pray that you get what you want, whatever that may be.  Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone special, yourself.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Action and Thoughts


Thoughts and actions go together. We think about something and then we are either persuaded to act upon it or we discard the thought for a new one. Thoughts create the words we speak, the feelings we feel and the actions we take. Do our innermost thoughts reflect what we really want? Are we saying one thing and doing another. Start saying what we want and change our actions to reflect just that.

When you want to attract something in your life make sure your actions don't do the exact opposite. Believe that you have received what you have asked for. God knows the power that we have. Jesus could pray and he would receive. He never had a problem believing that he received what he prayed for. Faith in prayers. See yourself doing just what it is that you want to do. The power in our thoughts, and feelings and our actions. We can and do influence many people. We have to enjoy our own company before we can expect others to enjoy our company.  Do you treat yourself the way you want others to treat you? Do you love yourself? Your actions are your most powerful thoughts. Treat yourself with love and respect and love and respect will come to you. Love and respect yourself and you will receive love and respect. It sounds so simple. Only think about how you can love and respect yourself and you will find more love and respect in your life. On that note I will leave you to your thoughts. I hope you are feeling better. Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Good Day

I don't think it could have gone much better. You were loved today and you showed love. We love you. I love you and you must love you.

You are going through some hard times right now. God doesn't give us any more than we can handle. We have to remember that in order to handle it we have to give up control and let God do it.

I know your day was long. Unity Sunday and Graduation.

Please take care of yourself. You don't have to prove anything to anybody. You don't owe anyone any explanations.

You are loved so deeply. Never, ever doubt that.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special, yourself.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Create Your Day In Advance

Create your day in advance. Imagine our day being the perfect day.  You have the power to create the events of your day. You can have a good day and not fear screwing it up. You are recovering from surgery. It may have been outpatient and you went home but it was still surgery. Take it easy. You are very important to many people and that includes me. Plan for your day. Plan to be the best that you can be. Use restraint and remember that you are more important than any political campaign or election.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I ask God to mold my values and positions so that they are in tune with God.

Since when cant we mock candidates and political figures?

I am agreeable with so many things.

I hope that all is well with the surgery. I heard about it on the news. They are sometimes the best source that I have.

I pray that you are healing well.

I hope that you are praying and staying reflective.

I have had a long day today. We had our ribbon pinning ceremony after school.

Tomorrow our meeting for lectors and commentators. Its at the Umojo house and I dont know where that is. I'll call in the morning.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someoe.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Full of Spirit and Wisdom

Wow, the mood list has really expanded, and even with all of the new choices I was unable to find and inspirational one more encouraging than hopeful. I will stay hopeful.

I listened to the sermon on Sunday and I didn't find one lie in what you said. I don't even think you exaggerated the truth. The problem is that people don't want the pulpit to have a voice. They have taken any remarks made by the clergy, whether democratic or republican, to mean that its divisive and detrimental to the fabric of our country. He cant play the race card in any way and she gets to play it over and over and over again. But we aren't suppose to notice that. All of the candidates have denounced any religion or even an association with Christianity. What will the outcome of this race really produce? What is it producing now. Censorship in the church. No one can have an opinion against the government anymore. We are in deep recession. Gas prices are four times the amount that I remember them to be. Food cost are rising daily. Salaries are staying the same. We aren't suppose to complain or even notice that we cant afford to get to work.

I heard that you are now going to hear a response from the archdiocese tomorrow. I'm still wondering what the problem is. Land of the free and home of the brave. Where exactly is that place. These times make me want to know God better. A man full of God's grace and power and wisdom. Opposition all around him but his wisdom and wit continue to confuse and amuse them. Keep the faith baby. Know that you are a man of the truth. Keep your cool and keep your head down until January. We have a long road to tow and any and everything that can put a black mark (no pun intended) on this campaign will detract from the real goal. Let this man become president without having to distance himself from every friend, mentor and pastor that has influenced him thus far. Have a blessed evening. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ask, Believe and Recieve


Get a clear Idea of what I want to be. Have a picture in my mind of what I will look like when I become that perfect me.


Believe that I will receive and that what I BELIEVE IS ALREADY MINE. See myself there in my thoughts and words and actions.



I must feel good about myself. I must attract the good that I want. Think perfect thoughts about myself and I will attract the perfect things around  me.

The final thing is always "How Long Does it Take?"

It takes as long as it takes me to get to the place of believing, knowing and feeling that I already have it. I want it to be effortless.

I want to attract the good things to me. I want to think positive. My mind is focused on the good and positive things in life.

I see myself talking to you. I see us having a good time. I see myself happy.

I have been counting down the days.

12 days until the end of school.

1 more class until my Wednesday night Materials Science class is over.

Two weeks until I begin my water aerobics again.

I have no desire to do any surveys.

I have gotten calls to do phone surveys and I am not going to do them. People constantly want to know why you think the way you think. Why did you purchase this, why did you vote this way. Can we take up some of your time and ask you some questions.

We have been practicing for ribbon pinning and passing of the candle. That will take place Friday.  Next week is the luncheon, the the Monday following is graduation. I cant wait until its over. We have had a long year and its time to celebrate.

Good Night and sweet dreams.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Most Magnificent Version of Ourselves

Tonight the info session had a lot of questions. I think the ultimate goal is to remember that we are there to encourage and enhance a child's life. That child might otherwise be on the street, getting into something he or she shouldnt. I know we will do good and we have to remember that. Good does conquer evil. Good thoughts and a positive attitude will wash away the negativity. Prayer helps too.

Today was the little guy's birthday. He is now two years old. My how time flies.Yesterday was his party and that was nice to see him so excited.

I missed you tonight. I was hoping to see you. I pray that you have a good night. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Let's Make This Work

I am listening to you now and I am watching you on Trinity webcast. It keeps going in and out but the message is clear.

Racism is still alive and well in the United States.

If you look into the heart of America it looks like racism has had a second breath.

Its in the brick and mortar of this country. Its in the DNA.

This country is built on racism.

Your wife isnt a very good cook and quite frankly you cant find her.

I guess you arent really looking anymore.

We have a wall that we continue to keep mending instead of just tearing it down.

We have not sensitized ourself to love and save each other. We save every other animal but we cant save each other. We cant respect each other. We have to reverence each other and love each other.

God says how dare you say you love me when you do not love the people that you do see. Teach us to pray. Every time Jesus prayed to the Father he got.

We are all one in Christ Jesus. We have discovered church but we still have not discovered Jesus. When we truly discover Jesus, walls come down. The failure then becomes an issue of the heart. Jesus said love one another.

Sin. You cant repent from a sin you have not had the guts to acknowledge.

Now the broadcast has gone out. What ever you are saying I am sure its dynamite. Its 7:08 and the broadcast is until 7:30 so I suspect that you will end the broadcast. I am waiting and waiting and waiting for it to come back on.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Greed, Need and Judgement

I ask the Lord to help me take a stand in the things that I need.  Lord help me to think about the things that are important in my life. In what ways have I been enticed by the values of the world in these past few days.  I want to be rich towards God.

I will nto worry about my life, what I will eat, what I will drink, or what I will wear. Life is more than food and clothes and things. Worrying is not going to add another second to my life. I will give my thoughts to what I need to to keep my life and my mind on God.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you.

I called you today and left a message that I was wishing you a happy birthday.

In the words of Luther Vandross, I would rather have bad times with you than good times with someone new.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


When you visualize something you have to have a picture of what you believe something will be. You must have an idea of the end result.  You have to play that positive picture in your mind and continue to see that picture in your mind. Its not just thinking I will do this or be there. It's actually seeing yourself there. Feeling the actual essence of being there. Smelling the air, feeling the wind, actually being there. When you can visualize being there then you are able to accomplish the goal.

I know that your birthday is Thursday. I can tell you have a lot on your mind. I pray for you daily. I cover you with the blood of Jesus. You are under a lot of pressure but ultimately I know that you will call on the One who can relieve all pressures.

I had a whole list of things I wanted to tell you about in the car but now I'm tired so I will have to say good night.

God bless you tonight. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

You Gotta Love Anyway

I'm listening to today's sermon. You have to be willing to take the risk.

Take the risk. Are you willing to take the risk.

Taking the risk will cost you. If we are ever going to make a difference we have to take a risk.

I am willing to stay and fight and believe because I know that God will bring me through.

I believe God will do what he said he would do. I'll take a risk and believe in God to do what he said he would do.

God is able to do just what he said he would do. I an believing him for our future.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone. Good Night.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Let's Move Forward, Not Backwards

Sometimes life will throw you a curve ball and you have to be ready to catch it and throw it back.

Its hard being a woman. Its extremely hard.

The woman at the well. She didn't ask for five different husbands. She might have tried to make each and every marriage work. She doesn't want to be with a man who doesn't want to marry her and make it legit but at this moment in her life he seems to be able to meet a need in her life and his unwillingness to commit to her is something that she puts up with. She has decided to settle for the man who seems to want her but is unwilling to make that commitment. All women are in that position at one time or another. I feel like I am in that position now. I want a man but he's not ready to make that commitment and so I stay and tell my self that its me somehow that is the reason for the problems.

I went to 5 PM mass today because I wont be at church tomorrow. I have to go to brunch with my family. This is our mother's day celebration. Mom wanted to go to the House of Blues for brunch so we are doing their gospel brunch tomorrow at 12:30.

I wont be able to listen to your wonderful sermon tomorrow either. I'll have to listen to the edited version later. God I pray that you speak to me tomorrow. Help me to understand.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Its been a long time since I was here.

Where haveI been all this time?

What have I been doing?

Well its not all about me, thats for sure. ITS NOT ABOUT ME.



Monday, May 12, 2008

The Woman at the Well

This has been a repeated message these last few months. I try to relate my bible teachings and lessons to my life and I can only come up with the fact that I am about to openly have an affair with a man of the cloth that will cause others to think badly of me.

I know that right now I dont give a rat's patootie what people think.

Let it happen. I think I needed to strengthen my confidence with the counselor and then just jump into what I know is for me.

I wont be there on Sunday. We are celebrating Mother's Day at the House of Blues next Sunday and of course she (my mother) wanted the event to take place at the 12: 30 brunch. I am missing you already.

I have decided that I will not let a day go by that doesnt let you know that I love you.

I love you.

You might have thought that couneseling might have been destructive but it was rewarding. I know what is truly important. You and me.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

hello Darling

Where would I be withouth you.

My heart and my mind know that I love you and need you in my life.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Let's Not Forget

Let's not forget what God said on this.  Let's not forget our commitment to this.

No one really knows us and this situation. Noone can tell me whats real in this situation. Yes it was daunting to hear he's just not going to leave for you, there is no reason for you to think that there is a possibility of a relationship there, forget him and just be friends. Think about yourself and increase your self esteem and positive attitude about your life. You can have whatever it is you want, He thinks I am right to not talk and to keep my distance. That's not at all what I wanted to hear. It seemed true, it seemed final, it seemed...but then God stepped in.

Dont let the devil steal your joy. Dont let the devil make you believe that my blessing for you is not coming to fruition. I can increase my ability to destress and increase my self esteem without losing my dream. I wont lose my blessing.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello and good night

Hypnotherapy, meditation and relaxation.

Positive thoughts, with a CD to release my anxiety and stress.

No medication, I dont need it nor do I want it.

I believe that this will increase my confidence and self esteem.

I have positive affirmations to improve my outlook and I am successful.

I want to be your friend, to talk to you and to get to know you. I probably wont see him again. He has some good ideas about stress and anxiety relief, I will and have used them and found them to be helpful. But he thinks I should forget about you. He believes that unless you leave the priesthood that their is no future, and if you did I would feel too guilty for us to have a relationship. He thinks thats why I have backed away from you. Guilt. Damned if I do, damned if I dont. 

I just want God to weigh in and guide me. Good Night.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good Morning

I was a little lost on your bible study in the beginning but then it began to click.  I once was lost but now I'm found.

Have a blessed day today. Be the change that you want to see in the world.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I am speaking more positive to myself. I love that. I am so much better in the classroom. I am using this technique with my students and I find my self much more calm and controling. I think it takes much more concentration to stay controlled and focus. That's why I have such a hard time with my students. We planted flowers from seeds for their mom or the females in their lives. Its important to recognize the people who take care of them on a day to day basis. I hope that they are appreciative.

I am going on the ellipitcial now. I have to stay focused for myself. I'm not as dedicated as I should be for optimal weight loss but then again I am only human. I make a mistake and I pick myself up and keep trying. 

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Secret

I am reading the Secret.

I have found it very enlightening.

My therapist recommended it. He seems to be familiar with teachers, women and black women.

He asked me what was it that I liked about you and I thought about how strong you are, how funny you are, how you are handsome, but not stuck on yourself. You are sensitive to other people.

I wonder what you would say about me. Would it be generic? Have you moved on? Is this too much for you?

I decided that I am going to think better about myself. The book clearly gives insight in the best way to have success in your life. So I am thinking the thoughts that will bring success into my life. Success in my love life. Success in my home life and success in my work life.

I want to be honest about what I feel, think and believe. I pray that this it good for me. I feel so distant now. I dont even like this journal anymore. Its so impersonal. I just dont like it anymore. I need more than this to connect us.